Being Creative

Being Creative opens the door to imagination and looking at the world in new ways. Creativity is fundamental to what it means to be a successful teacher and a successful learner. Creativity defines how students engage in learning: asking the right questions to generate new ideas, evaluate information, and construct information in new ways. It defines how teachers engage in teaching: facilitating connections, leveraging technology and finding innovative ways to demonstrate concepts and assess learning. Creativity pushes our Board leadership to put new ideas into practice, to be adaptive, flexible and forward thinking.

Being Creative

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We will engage in assessment for, as and of learning to know our learners so that we can make informed and intentional decisions to support ongoing academic, personal and social growth for all.

  • How do we know the learning diversity in our community and use this information to inform instruction and assessment practices?
  • How are we establishing inclusive, positive and safe learning environments where individuals feel valued and engaged?
  • How do we ensure there is equitable access to a variety of tools, learning resources, technology and manipulatives?
  • How are we leveraging Assessment for and as Learning practices?

Ensuring Equity

Equity Goal:  We will foster practice in reflection on social location (or intersectionality; the unique constellation of benefits and disadvantages each of us carry due to different aspects of our identity and lived experience) to promote connections in learning environments.

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  • Meaningfully engage with self-reflective practices as an individual and support those practices in others (e.g. peer consultation, ensuring space in team meetings for team reflection, etc.)
  • Establish and engage in Communities of Practice for important topics related to equity and mental health

Learning Actions to Create a Culture of Belonging

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  • Purchase of and PD to support implementation of pilot Kindergarten My Math Path – provoking mathematical thinking through provocations and math talk.
  • Purchase MathUP Classroom licenses (english and french) for primary teachers (grades 1 – 3).
  • PD to support implementation of MathUP Classroom.
  • PD to support 3-Part lesson framework modeling high impact instructional and assessment strategies using the MathUP Classroom resource.
  • PD to continue to deepen understanding of the application of Number Talks K-12 to support fluency.
  • Visit classrooms to co-plan, co-teach and co-debrief to support high impact instructional and assessment strategies K-12.
  • Purchase MathUP Classroom licenses for Grade 9 Math teachers

  • Reading Coaches meet weekly with every Kindergarten to grade 2 classroom regarding structured literacy, sound walls, OE Phonics, decodable books etc.
  • In phase one, coaches will administer the Early Literacy Screener and discuss the results with the classroom teacher and how it informs instruction/targeting of small group skills; in phase two, coaches will support teachers in administering the test and responding to the results in their instruction
  • Centrally share best practices and instructional approaches used by teachers.
  • Introduction of  The Learning Strategies Book by Jennifer Seravello to all grade 4-6 Teachers.  Provide PD using the ‘Show and Go’ model on Google meet that will create a short time to meet with teachers and explore relevant activities in Seravello’s book
  • Coordinate bi-monthly meetings for Secondary English departments to collaborate on resources and destreaming strategies with specific agendas that explore both the strengths and needs shared by each department

  • Visit Classrooms weekly on rotation to model provocations that offer opportunities to observe to inform practice in relation to the four frames of How Does Learning Happen? (OE Phonics, MathPath, Loose Parts Play)
  • Offer varying methods of delivery to educators in regards to best practices for new learning. Ie. podcasts, newsletters, side by side teaching experiences.

  • Identify student needs by utilizing the STEP tool at various times throughout the school year to monitor student proficiency in English; to help set goals for delivery of curriculum and drive assessment practices
  • Provide chromebooks to students and be encouraged to use technology to enhance learning
  • Use platforms to communicate effectively with families who do not speak English (Talking Points APP)
  • School staff will be encouraged to use translation services to communicate important information with families (MCIS)
  • School staff will be provided with strategies and tools to support communication with students

  • PD focused on Strand A to support the implementation of the new grades 1 – 8 Science & Technology curriculum and Grade 9 destreamed Science curriculum
  • PD to support the transition from learning to code to coding to learn
  • PD to support cross-curricular (STEM) implementation strategies
  • Visit classrooms to co-plan, co-teach and co-debrief to support high impact instructional and assessment strategies.
  • Share resources targeting the implementation of Strand A
  • With support of Student Success, provide opportunities to connect with local individuals within skilled trades, women in STEM

  • Continue implementing Restorative Practices to honour the dignity, self-worth and diverse gifts of each child.
  • Engage schools in using the Faith & Equity Continuum to support school improvement planning.
  • To explore conversation and silence between community members, making space for the Holy Spirit, and leading us in the various forms of prayer.

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  • School-team-based analysis of EQAO results and questions leading to instructional practices to support student learning

  • PD and direct support for teachers who are interested in how to introduce Structured and Guided Inquiry to the classroom Grade 4-6
  • Grade 5 classes will participate in three guided inquiry lessons regarding cyber security with Learning Technologies Specialists
  • Learning Technologies Specialists will visit all grade 8 classes during the monthly Student Success visits to introduce a key technology
  • Grade 7/8 Deep Inquiry Learning on Protecting The Environment or Pathway planning  – multiple sessions on
  • Short and specific PD touching on a range of UDL and DI strategies applicable to Secondary teachers

  • PD with grade 11 NBE teachers delivered by Niigaan Sinclair
  • Regional PD for Principals, Learning Support Specialists, and Indigenous Leads to develop school plan
  • Differentiated PD: Land Acknowledgements, sharing circles learning from the land, state and use of Medicine Wheel Gardens, experiential learning opportunities, Walking the Path, Kairos Blanket exercises 
  • With the support of Indigenous consultants schools will create school plans outlining their efforts to share indigenous learning with their school communities
  • Train facilitators in Walking the Path

  • Destreaming
    • Teams collaborate to embed AfL, DI and UDL into course content
    • November PD Day
  • Experiential Learning Opportunities and pathway exploration
  • OYAP Opportunities
  • Offer a variety of SHSM programs to support students of all pathways in exploring career options
  • Offer a variety of dual credit options to support engagement of the large group of college bound students
  • Grade 7/8 experiential learning opportunities at our local colleges
    Innovative co-op opportunities
  • Centre for Success experiences to increase student engagement.

  • Ensure equity and inclusivity in the promotion of responsive pedagogy (eg. Universal Design and Deep Learning) and assistive technology (eg. leveraging SEA equipment)
  • Implement Right to Read recommendations with respect to Tier 2 & 3 supports.

  • Intentional collaboration throughout our system to ensure mental health considerations are thoroughly integrated by promoting and deepening system engagement on ‘Good For All’ strategies.

Strategic Priorities


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Inspiring Faith to strengthen the foundation of Christ in our Catholic schools and spark a call to service in the greater community.

  • We will enhance connections between the home, school, parish and community in order to provide outreach and see the face of God in each person we serve.
  • We will find unity in the body of Christ and see God in the natural environment through Liturgy and the Mass.
  • We will use various resources including Auditing our Catholic Schools and A Pastor’s Journal to identify ways that we can continue to be the Christ light for others and build community through symbols, words and actions.

Valuing Relationships to empower our students and staff as we work together to realize the great promise of Catholic Education.

  • We will create an environment in all workplaces that has at its core “the art of accompaniment,” keeping Jesus at the centre of our community as we model ministry, acceptance and love.

Nurturing Mental Health & Well-being to create healthy environments in which we work, learn and teach, understanding that we have to be well in order to learn, to teach, to lead, to support and to fulfill the demands of each of our roles.

  • We will engage in professional development for creating healthy interpersonal relationships/ partnerships, workspaces and classrooms.
  • We will enhance collaborative efforts across our organization directed at working as a cohesive team to bring about ideal work and learning environments.
  • We will strive to be open, humble, and receptive to opportunities for learning and personal growth that build our individual knowledge.

Providing Excellence in Teaching and Learning to maximize student engagement through effective assessment practices, deep inquiry learning, student voice and choice.

  • We will teach students to think critically, ask questions and communicate their thinking.
  • We will continue to support deep inquiry learning and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to ensure all students can achieve success.
  • We will focus on student strengths and identify areas for growth using assessment for, as and of learning.


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Ensuring Equity to create a culture of belonging that promotes spiritual, emotional, mental and physical safety through advocacy and aspiring allyship.

  • We will provide staff with the necessary space and time to engage in reflective dialogue, identify personal learning goals and engage in learning through an equity lens.
  • We will review curriculum resources through a culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy lens to critically evaluate the resources we use to ensure materials represent diverse perspectives.
  • We will use the Student Census Survey Data and Equity Continuum Resource (OISE) to inform our Catholic Board and School Improvement goals on an annual basis.

Expanding Technology to enable staff and students to apply, analyze, evaluate and create their thinking and learning in creative and innovative ways while encouraging staff and students to develop new ways of using technology.

  • We will provide all students with appropriate technology and implement a balanced inquiry-based model of online and in-person learning so that students can clearly make their thinking visible and use technology where most impactful.
  • We will facilitate ongoing learning and increase the confidence of educators and students with up-to date, real-world applications and technologies that meet industry standards and will support our students well into the future.
  • We will ensure students and staff are provided with a growing repository of applications, programs and learning opportunities that meet safety and privacy requirements as they competently employ technology to demonstrate their thinking and learning.

Protecting the Environment

  • We will prioritize environmental education learning expectations in all schools by providing the necessary staff training to build capacity among teachers and leaders, ensuring that environmental topics in the current K-12 curriculum documents be taught and assessed for all students.
  • We will strive to certify all schools in an environmental stewardship program.
  • We will develop short and long-term environmental plans for the Board, creating a multi-disciplinary resource committee on the environment and reporting to the Board of Trustees twice per year to assess the progress being made toward the established goals.