Being Well
Being Well is at the heart of doing well. We can only put our best foot forward in the classroom when we create the conditions for success. We know that we have to take care of our own wellness and that of others – to support students and staff alike in striving to be our best selves every day. Supportive, inclusive and effective learning environments require connectedness and supportive relationships among all members of the learning community in order to ensure physical and emotional safety of self and spirit. Academic excellence occurs in an environment where love, caring and belonging are foundational elements.
We will cultivate non-judgemental communities where everyone’s strengths, stories and well-being are nurtured by actively fostering meaningful relationships to ensure inclusivity and dignity for all.
Guiding Questions
- Who are our students as learners?
- What do we want them to be able to know and do?
- What do our staff need?
- How will we program effectively?
Targeted Strategies
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- Tier 1 (Good For All) strategies across all working and learning environments.
- Understanding and effectively navigating Tier 2 and Tier 3 targeted and intentional interventions.
- Deep Learning inquiry through student agency, voice and choice.
- Relationship-based learning approaches with students, parents/guardians, community partnerships (Third Path)
- Executive Function (EF) understanding and continued learning.
- Barrier Strategies Protocol
- Integrate and reference School Mental Health Ontario resources: Aligned and Integrated Model of Mental Health (AIM), Leading Mentally Healthy Schools 2.0
- Create identity-affirming practices and school environments to promote student confidence, mental health, well-being and belonging.
Engaging in goals of the Equity Action Plan.
Leveraging Digital:
- Leverage School Mental Health Ontario resources (e.g., Grade 7/8 Modules, Mental Health Literacy, Mental Health field trips, Student Mental Health Action Kit).
- Vector training for all staff (e.g., Suicide Prevention/Intervention Protocol training, Mental Health Vector training).
- Principals will utilize Leading Mentally Healthy Schools 2.0 to support students and staff.
- Staff will regularly use the PVNCCDSB Being Well portal
- Staff use CLEVR to access services such as Social Work, Speech Language Pathologists (SLP), Psychology.
- Central staff use Clevr for clinical file management (Special Education Services)
- Integrate and reference School Mental Health Ontario resources: Aligned and Integrated Model of Mental Health (AIM), Leading Mentally Healthy Schools 2.0
- Create identity-affirming practices and school environments to promote student confidence, mental health, well-being and belonging.
Engaging in goals of the Equity Action Plan.
Learning Partnerships:
- Create a council of elders/knowledge holders from partner communities to support student and staff well-being.
- Knowledge mobilization of Early Developmental Instrument (EDI) data in collaboration with community partners.
- Educators and staff will engage in partnerships across our communities to foster positive mental health and student-centered, inclusive learning environments.
Collaborative creation of partnership agreements with community agencies in efforts to assist families to identify and overcome barriers.
Learning Environments:
- Indigenous Student Lounges in all secondary schools.
- Land-based learning infused in all curriculum and outdoor learning spaces.
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)/Differentiated Learning (DL) learning environments that support regulation strategies, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), etc.
- Cultural representation/student voice evident in each classroom/school spaces (ie: student census, student surveys, synodal processes).
Key Performance Indicators
Student/Staff Survey
- % of students (Grades 6-12) who report they engage in a variety of assessment opportunities (for, as and of learning).
- % educators who report using triangulation of data to support student learning.
- % of K-2 educators who report using Acadience screeners to determine next steps in student reading instruction.
- % students in Grades 3, 6, and 9 who report they have an interest in and confidence in math.
Board Data
- # Learning Partnerships boardwide. % students in K-2 reading at grade appropriate levels (target 50%) by June 2025.
- # relationship based learning professional development opportunities provided.
- % students in Grades 3-8 with 1:1 technology.