23-24 Being Well

Being Well

Being Well is at the heart of doing well. We can only put our best foot forward in the classroom when we create the conditions for success. We know that we have to take care of our own wellness and that of others - to support students and staff alike in striving to be our best selves every day. Supportive, inclusive and effective learning environments require connectedness and supportive relationships among all members of the learning community in order to ensure physical and emotional safety of self and spirit. Academic excellence occurs in an environment where love, caring and belonging are foundational elements.

We will value everyone’s strengths, stories and honour their well-being and dignity by building meaningful connections to be inclusive and welcoming to all.

  • How am I building consistent conditions of safety through my words, actions and pedagogy that elicit student/staff voices effectively with anti-oppressive and anti-racism practices?
  • How do I co-create and protect time and space in my communities to ensure all voices are heard, honoured and deeply considered?
  • How am I being self-reflective and deepening my self-awareness and skills to enhance my efficacy in building meaningful connections and relationships in inclusive and equitable ways?
  • How am I building consistent conditions of community and well-being intentionally through my words, actions, anti-oppressive and anti-racists practices that embrace family voices?

Essential Practices to Create a Culture of Belonging

Examples Of Actions

  • Tools accessible - SMHO mentally healthy reflection tool (classroom and school versions), Third path framework, Self and Co regulation, Universal Design Restorative practices principles, Medicine wheel pedagogy .
  • Good for All practices include: classroom environment, classroom norms, reviewing and gathering student data/profile, reviewing practices and considering student strengths, barriers, intersectionalities when choosing strategies/practices/interventions
  • Communicate the function of the Being Well portal by directing staff and families to the portal to help share resources and build connections in their communities
  • Consult the “Being Well: Selection of School-Based Mental Health Presentations and Activities” document

Examples Of Actions

  • Christian Meditation, body break, check-ins, staff sharing a personal self-care practice, team building exercises/activities, practices from SMHO, etc.
  • Using communal prayer at meetings, opening exercises, assemblies and community events. Pastoral Plan
  • Professional learning values voices and lived experience and aligns with strategic priorities and supports student achievement and well-being. (Exit surveys. etc)

Examples Of Actions

  • Mental health, special education, equity, accessibility, inclusivity and Indigenous teams

Examples Of Actions

  • Greeting and engaging students/colleagues, knowing about interests of others in the building, Tier 1 practices, Third Path, etc.
  • Linked to the good for all practices noted above
  • Understanding intersectionality, neurodiversity and how these relate to yourself, colleagues and students

Examples Of Actions

  • Parent/guardian volunteering, open houses/interviews, school play, communication to parents/families about events occurring in schools etc.

Strategic Priorities

Inspiring Faith to strengthen the foundation of Christ inour Catholic schools and spark a call to service in thegreater community.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will enhance connections between the home,school, parish and community in order to provide outreach and see the face of God in each person we serve.
  • We will find unity in the body of Christ and see God in the natural environment through Liturgy and the Mass.
  • We will use various resources including Auditing our Catholic Schools and A Pastor’s Journal to identify ways that we can continue to be the Christ light for others and build community through symbols, words and actions


Valuing Relationships to empower our students and staff as we work together to realize the great promise of Catholic Education.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will create an environment in all workplaces that has at its core “the art of accompaniment,” keeping Jesus at the centre of our community as we model ministry, acceptance and love.
  • We will foster a sense of respect for the unique expertise and strengths of each individual,acknowledging and celebrating the efforts of our students and staff and working to ensure they feel valued, empowered and supported.
  • We will demonstrate servant leadership by creating inclusive learning and work environments grounded in gratitude and empathy for the work that we do and the people we serve.

Nurturing Mental Health & Well-being to create healthy environments in which we work, learn and teach,understanding that we have to be well in order to learn,to teach, to lead, to support and to fulfill the demands of each of our roles.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will engage in professional development for creating healthy interpersonal relationships/partnerships, workspaces and classrooms.
  • We will enhance collaborative efforts across our organization directed at working as a cohesive team to bring about ideal work and learning environments.
  • We will strive to be open, humble, and receptive to opportunities for learning and personal growth that build our individual knowledge.

Providing Excellence in Teaching and Learning to maximize student engagement through effective assessment practices, deep inquiry learning, student voice and choice.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will teach students to think critically, ask questions and communicate their thinking.
  • We will continue to support deep inquiry learning and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to ensure all students can achieve success.
  • We will focus on student strengths and identify areas for growth using assessment for, as and of learning


Ensuring Equity to create a culture of belonging that promotes spiritual, emotional, mental and physical safety through advocacy and aspiring allyship.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will provide staff with the necessary space and time to engage in reflective dialogue, identify personal learning goals and engage in learning through an equity lens.
  • We will review curriculum resources through a culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy lens to critically evaluate the resources we use to ensure materials represent diverse perspectives.
  • We will use the Student Census Survey Data and Equity Continuum Resource (OISE) to inform our Catholic Board and School Improvement goals on an annual basis.

Expanding Technology to enable staff and students to apply, analyze, evaluate and create their thinking and learning in creative and innovative ways while encouraging staff and students to develop new ways of using technology.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will provide all students with appropriate technology and implement a balanced inquiry-based model of online and in-person learning so that students can clearly make their thinking visible and use technology where most impactful.
  • We will facilitate ongoing learning and increase the confidence of educators and students with up-to-date, real-world applications and technologies that meet industry standards and will support our students well into the future.
  • We will ensure students and staff are provided with a growing repository of applications, programs and learning opportunities that meet safety and privacy requirements as they competently employ technology to demonstrate their thinking and learning.

Protecting the Environment to create greater ecological sustainability in all of the Board’s educational, strategic,and corporate practices and to act on the urgency expressed in Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment Laudato Si’.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will prioritize environmental education learning expectations in all schools by providing the necessary staff training to build capacity among teachers and leaders, ensuring that environmental topics in the current K-12 curriculum documents be taught and assessed for all students.
  • We will strive to certify all schools in an environmental stewardship program.
  • We will develop short and long-term environmental plans for the Board, creating a multi-disciplinary resource committee on the environment and reporting to the Board of Trustees twice per year to assess the progress being made toward the established goals.

Maximizing Resources to maintain public trust and ensure a fiscally responsible Catholic school system founded on equity, transparency, accountability, risk management and sustainable priorities.

Strategic Goals:

  • We will ensure efficient and equitable allocation of staff and regularly review all teaching and learning resources in our schools so that our staff and students have the best possible support.
  • We will maintain effective corporate risk management practices and search for opportunities to improve operational efficiencies.
  • We will enhance our engagement in authentic and transparent consultation on the use of resources with stakeholder groups.